Frequently Asked Question

Cannot activate Sherlock Holmes 5 Advenure Game Collection.
Last Updated 5 years ago

Q: Purchased the Sherlock Holmes 5 Adventure Game Collection from Target. After installing the game tried to activate in with the 25-digit key in the sleeve but activation wizard gives me message that the serial is invalid.

A: If you purchased Sherlock Holmes 5 Adventure Game Collection please read the message below:

We regret to inform you that all serial keys for Sherlock Holmes 5 Adventure Game Collection were deactivated by Frogwares. Starting from July 3, 2012 the collection to be considered a non-legitimate product.

Frogwares was forced to terminate the publishing agreement with Collective Mindz LLC as they failed to address the material breach of the contract and failed to provide any payment, report or information about their legal situation.

We are extremely sorry if you paid your own money for the collection. The only thing that we can advise is to apply to reimbursement from the shop you bought the collection.
Here is the complete news that you can print and bring to the shop:

In case the shop refuses to reimburse, please contact Andy Burton, owner of Collective Mindz, via phone: 952.250.0048
skype: aburtonusa
email: andy.burton (at)
or by post to Collective Mindz, LLC 1905 E Wayzata BLVDSuite 111Wayzata, MN 55391 USA

The US publisher of the games chooses to not respect its contractual engagement and therefore selling non legitimate product. This is a tough situation that we all regret here, to have legitimate players spending their hard earned cash on what became a scam using our name and our games. We hope Collective Mindz will realize the harm done and modify its actions towards players and Frogwares.

We appreciate your understanding.

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